Migration in Global Context

Migration stories represent a wealth of opportunities for K-12 educators and their students to engage with a common theme in diverse geographic and historical contexts. Using migration as an analytical lens, participating educators apply historical thinking skills to Social Studies content ranging from local history projects to broad, and interdisciplinary, analysis of global migration patterns.

A generous grant from Ohio Humanities supported the Migration in Global Context Teacher Institute hosted by the Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County in August 2015 and the April 15, 2016 Teacher Symposium at Cleveland State University.

All events consider migration in a global framework, examining both national and local migration processes and connecting them to broader world historical themes. Each day of the summer teacher institute emphasized different aspects of humanities content, research methods, and pedagogical techniques. These include historical thinking, project-based learning, oral history, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

The Migration in Global Context Teacher Symposium is free and open to public. You can follow our conversations at #teachmigration on Twitter.

Website: http://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/globalmigration/
