Gender Studies Resources Database


May 2019 Update: The first set of pilot entries for Gender Studies Resources ( is up! I have also updated the curriculum page with new resources. Digital Media reviews will be posted during Summer 2019.

March 2019 Update: The Gender Studies Resources ( database pilot projects are underway! My course “Gender in 20th Century Europe” is taking on projects in the categories of Europe and Transnational. Dr. Jamie Goodall (Stevenson University) and her “American Women’s History” students are working on entries for the United States. By May 2019 we should have around 30 new entries for the referatory. If you are interested in the project or the pedagogy (or both), see the curriculum page ( The GSRDB is also a great place to spread the word about your own born-digital projects. Please send them to us!

Original Text: One day I sat down to research digital media sites that focus on women’s and gender history. I soon realized there is no systematic way to search for digital projects. They are not cataloged by libraries or databases with the same methods used for traditional print publications and journals. I faced the problem of gathering information on a field that did not have a collective archival or institutional footprint.

This is the moment when the crowd-sourced list of Women’s and Gender History digital projects  was born. It is an effort to gather information on digital media in the field of women’s and gender history in one central space. Women’s and gender scholars often create close links with organizations and individuals beyond the academy. These projects are both a testament to those collaborations and a nod to the reality that digital content is generally accessible to anyone with an internet connection. They create a sense of community among users/readers beyond the control of the project creators.

Please use and add to list. It is also a good place to spread the word about your own projects, learn about the growing field of digital media in women’s and gender history, and foster community among the diverse audiences for such projects.
