Modern World History

I converted my face-to-face Modern World History survey course to an online format in Summer 2016. My colleagues and I also use these modules as part of a hybrid teaching strategy for our face-to-face classes during the academic year. In Fall 2017, I created a parallel set of modules (labeled  RTTP) for students in a pilot “Reacting to the Past” section of the course. Students played Defining a Nation: India on the Eve of Independence, 1945. Each semester’s syllabus is available in the online textbook.

The course is a general education course for Cleveland State University in the categories of Information Literacy, Critical Thinking, and Non-West Social Science.

The site is hosted by the CSU HIstory Department’s WordPress platform and in 2016, I decided to experiment with for information literacy assignments. Tackk is convenient, because students can use their CSU Engage365 credentials to create a free account. In 2017, I switched to Microsoft Sway since this program was part of the Engage365 suite all CSU students can access.

Visit the latest Pressbooks version of the Modern World History Open Educational Resource at:
